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Fire extinguishers are active fire protection equipment, usually used in emergencies, for extinguishing small fires or for preventing them from spreading. They are generally hand-held cylinders that contain pressurised extinguishing agents which are released to fight a fire. It is advisable to place fire extinguishers at locations within the property where they can be easily reached in the event of a fire. In Malaysia, the various types of fires are categorised into six classes based on the materials being burnt or that are in danger of being burnt. The contents of the fire extinguishers must therefore be able to safely fight these fires without endangering human lives and property. Class A, B, C and F fire extinguishers also carry a numerical rating that indicates the amount of fire it can handle; the higher the number, the more fire-fighting power it has. Class D and E fire extinguishers are not given numerical ratings. Choosing the right type of fire extinguisher is critical for effectiveness and safety in fighting a fire. For example, water should never be used to fight Class B and E fires as the risk of being electrocuted or of the fire spreading is ver high. Use this guide to select the correct fire extinguisher to use: CLASSES OF FIRE Class A Ordinary combustible materials or organic solids such as paper, wood, cardboard and most plastics Class B Flammable or combustible liquids such as petrol, kerosene, grease and oil Class C Flammable gases such as butane and propc Class D Combustible metals such as magnesium, titanicno, potassium and sodium Class E Electrical equipment such as appliances, wiring, circuit breakers and electrical outlets Class F Cooking fat, trans-fat and cooking oil