Room Integrity Test


Enclosure Integrity Test

Now, the NFPA 2001, NFPA 12A, ISO 14520 and EN 15004 recognize an enclosure integrity test as part of the acceptance procedure for all clean agent systems.  This includes halocarbon and inert agents.  The comprehensive test and calculation procedure predicts how long the agent would stay in the room if it were ever discharged.

The Enclosure Integrity Test’s primary goal is to predict the enclosure’s retention time in the event that the Clean Agent Fire Suppression System is discharged.  This is accomplished by performing a Door-Fan test.

What is a Door Fan Test?

Door Fan Test, also known as a Room Integrity Fan Test, is simply a way to measure the leakage of a protected room.  A large fan is temporarily installed in the doorway of the protected room to be tested, with the fan blowing into the room (pressurizing the room).  The fan speed is adjusted to obtain flow pressure equivalent to the pressure exerted during a fire suppression system discharge.  The fan is then reversed on the door to draw air from the room (depressurizing the room).  The airflow and pressure readings obtained are entered into a computer program designed to calculate the equivalent leakage area (ELA) for the room.  Then, the software will calculate the retention time and determine whether it exceeds the minimum retention time of 10 minutes.

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