Signal Line Surge Protector


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Model No. SP 1-24PKT-DC
Part No. UFI227SP_S.LINE
Standard Compliance 5kV (10/700 µs) to International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T K.20, K.21 and K.45)
Maximum Operating Voltage, Uc 32Vdc
Nominal Voltage, U 42Vdc
Maximum Discharge Current, lmax (8/20µs) 10kA
Nominal Discharge Current, In (8/20µs) 5kA
Load Current, I L 2A
Voltage protection level, Up (10/700µs, 5kV) <48Vdc
In-line resistance (per line ± 10%) <1.0Ω
Response time, tA ≤1 ns
Frequency (at -3dB) 20MHz
Insertion loss ≤ 0.5dB
Protection Mode Line-Line and Line-PE
Method of Mounting DIN 35mm railway
IP Code IP20
Dimensions 90mm x 65mm x 13mm : Pluggable
Working environments Temperature -20°C – +80°C, Relative Humidity ≤ 95%

* Applicable for Unique 227 Fire Suppression System

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